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Eminent Speaker

Lei Zhang

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences



Lei Zhang currently serves as a postdoctoral research assistant at the Research Center for Eco-
Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. His research spans
livestock greenhouse gas emissions, global climate change, and ecological responses. His primary focus is
on evaluating regional and global greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector, particularly on
emissions and mitigation of greenhouse gases such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). He strives
to optimize the assessment and parameterization methods for livestock greenhouse gas emissions to
reduce the uncertainty in emission inventories. By integrating multi-source statistical data on over ten
major types of domestic livestock/poultry globally, he has developed a spatio-temporal dataset for the
global livestock sector. Based on the tier 2 methodological framework outlined in the Inter governmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines, he has conducted a global assessment of CH4 and N2O
emissions from the livestock sector covering the period from 1890 to 2020. These assessments are crucial
for understanding the impact of the global livestock on climate change and for developing scientifically
sound emission reduction strategies.

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