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Eminent Speaker

Pawel Wisniewski

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun,



Pawel Wisniewski is a university professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun and the University of Gdansk. His research interests include agriculture and rural areas, assessment of GHG emissions from agricultural production, sustainable development of rural areas, threats and protection of agricultural production space, programming and planning of environmental protection at the local level, shaping the development of rural areas and local government. He is the author or co-author of over 80 scientific publications, including over 20 articles published in journals indexed in international bibliographic databases Web of Science Core Collection. Principal investigator or contractor in 10 research projects. Expert, among others, in the National Centre for Research and Development, Ministry of Climate and Environment, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. He combines scientific work with local government activities (he is the Chairman of the City Council in Naklo). He is a member of the Task Force for Rural Areas of the Committee on National Spatial Planning and Regional Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2023-2026.

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