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Eminent Speaker

Xiankun Li

Stockholm University



My training is in physical geography and ecology. My research interests are microbial carbon use strategies after disturbance, soil carbon balance under climate change, integration of theory and data, validation of conceptual ideas with data.  My main approaches are data collection, data analysis with the help of my expertise on R language and ArcGis. In my PhD, I mainly analyze microbial growth and microbial respiration response to rewetting, trying to link growth and respiration data with perception of soil microbes, investment in life history strategies, and microbial metabolism to infer soil carbon fate under climate change. I am curious about the extent to which the laboratory experiment can reveal the truth in nature. I am also interested in the integration of laboratory and field data. I am also interested in the effects of soil moisture storage on the response of soil respiration to changes in soil moisture.

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