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Eminent Speaker

Norman Dytianquin

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences



Norman Dytianquin worked professionally in the Philippines as a researcher and later manager of a private commercial bank, as a bank economist for the central bank, and as a strategy and then project post-evaluation specialist for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He completed his PhD from the Maastricht University on applications of the field-of-influence approach of input-output analysis applied to Asian economies. He also completed three masteral degrees in applied business economic, MBA, and development/social studies. He has done a lot of teaching and project consultancy work at various institutes, giving courses on economics, business, quantitative methods, and ethics and sustainability. His consultancy work for the United Nations involved projects relating to national innovation systems, gender and information technology, and innovation surveys. Currently, he is working for the International Business program of the Zuyd University for Applied Sciences and with the Sustainable International Business (SIB) Research Center of the same university. His research interests cover mostly sustainability and the circular economy as well as input-output applications. He is also a member of the Working Group of Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (SHiFT) of the European Cooperation on Science and Technology (COST).

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