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Daniele De Wrachien

University of Milan



Daniele De Wrachien  ,presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis lifetime Achievement ,is  currently Retired Professor of Agricultural Hydraulics at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the State University of Milan and Member of the Board of Director of the Wessex Institute of Technology ( WIT ) ,Southampton ,UK. He graduated  from the State University of Milan as geologist and obtained his PhD in Advanced Engineering Geology. He performed his duties as Director of the Institute of Agricultural Hydraulics (2000-2006) ,Director of  Computer Centre of the Faculty of Agriculture,(1992-95) ,Tutor of  MPhil and PhD students of the Faculty of Agriculture ,External Examiner to MPhil and PhD students   ,Visiting Professor at the Wessex Institute of Technology  ( WIT ), President of the European Society of Agricultural Engineering ( 2002-2004) . Daniele received the following Honours and Awards : Award for Truthful Support and Help in Organizing and Improving Scientific Level of the Symposia "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Croatian Agricultural Engineering Society , Award in Recognition of Services to the European Society of Agricultural Engineers, Award for outstanding contribution to Engineering Sciences ,WIT ,Award for the Best Performing Working Body of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage.

Daniele is Author of over 150 scientific publications: papers, key-note lectures, books and technical reports , Chief Editor of the following International  Journals : : Journal of Agricultural Sciences  , Journal of Irrigation&Drainage Systems Engineering , American Journal of Experimental  Agricultural    and Associte Editor  of the ICID Irrigation and Drainage  Journal. .

Daniele has been involved  in the organization of more than sixty International Conferences , Congresses ,Symposia and Workshop in  Africa ,America , Asia , Australia and Europe ,performing the role of Chairman, Key-note Speaker and Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committees.

The scientific  activity of Daniele deals with the following fields of interest: water resources management ,irrigation and drainage technology, performance assessment of sprinkler irrigation systems ,modelling of transport processes in porous media ,modelling and fluid-dynamics of debris and hyper-concentrated flows, flood control and mitigation measures, desertification and environmental impact of climate change,  classical and quantum  fluid-dynamical trajectories.

Listed on :

  • Who’s Who in the World ,23rd,24th,25th Editions ,Marquis ( USA ) Editor ;
  • Dictionary of International Biography ,33rd ,34th , International Biographical Centre (UK) Editor;
  • 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century , Fifth Edition ;
  • Great Minds of the 21st Century , 2006/2007 Edition , American Biographical Institute , USA

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