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Michael Ignatius Ferreira

Western Cape Department of Agriculture

South Africa


Upon completion of his studies in weed science at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Dr Ferreira commenced his career in agricultural research at the Agricultural Research Councils’ (ARC) Institute for Industrial Crops in Rustenburg. Subsequently, he accepted a post in research at the ARC’s Grain Crops Institute in Potchefstroom while also completing his Master’s degree at the University of Pretoria on biological and control aspects of Commelina benghalensis in maize. After taking up a position at the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, he finished his PhD studies in 2011 with a thesis titled: Allelopathic interactions between wheat, selected crop species and the weed hybrid Lolium multiflorum x L. perenne. His current research centres on ecological weed management and includes living mulches, biomass mulches, cover cropping and weed surveys

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